viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008



En los últimos días he leido muchas cosas sobre Georgia -lamentablemente- y estaba esperando algo así... Alfonso Rojo, no es santo de mi devoción -ni mucho menos- pero de cualquier forma lleva razón en gran parte de los argumentos que expone en su artículo. Lamentablemente, solo puedo decir... te lo dije!!!

El destacado en negrita es mio.


Jueves, 14-08-08

La imagen estremece. El cadáver del camarógrafo holandés aparece en el centro de la foto, desmadejado en el maletero del coche y a su lado, uno de sus colegas, salpicado de sangre, lo abraza, con esa desesperación que se adueña de los reporteros de guerra cuando descubren que los mutilados, los heridos, los ciegos y los muertos también pueden ser ellos.

Por duro que suene, la vida de los cinco periodistas y las de los miles de ciudadanos destripados en Georgia, hay que ponerlas en el debe de los civilizados, opulentos y siempre correctos políticos occidentales.

El único que se ha atrevido hasta ahora a decirlo aquí ha sido Antonio Pérez Henares, quien se pregunta en su blog por qué lo que está bien para Kosovo, no vale para Osetia.

Es la primera vez, desde el desmoronamiento de la URSS, que los rusos imponen militarmente una solución fuera de su territorio, pasándose por la entrepierna los patéticos consejos de EE.UU. y sus aliados europeos, incapaces de mover un dedo para auxiliar a su protegido georgiano.

Quien quiera engañarse puede intentar explicar la operación bélica apelando a ese viejo aforismo eslavo según el cual Rusia sólo puede tener en sus fronteras enemigos o vasallos.

Claro que la paranoia del KGB, de cuyas filas emergieron quienes mandan en el Kremlin, combinada con la personalidad de Putin, el elevado precio del petróleo y el recuerdo de las humillaciones sufridas en los 90, ayuda a entender la ferocidad del ataque, pero fue la decisión de EE.UU. y la Unión Europea de reconocer a Kosovo, lo que pavimentó el camino de los blindados rusos hacia Tsjinvali.

El pecado original en esta tragedia, la insensatez criminal, lo cometió Occidente el pasado febrero, al aceptar que se desgajara de Serbia su sexta provincia, argumentado que la mayoría de sus habitantes -de origen albanés- no querían depender de los serbios de Belgrado. Lo mismo que les pasa a los ciudadanos de origen ruso de Abjasia u Osetia, tampoco desean ser gobernados por los georgianos de Tbilisi.

Etiquetas: , , , , ,

82 comentarios:

A las 16 de agosto de 2008, 17:59 , Blogger Carlos Sardiña Galache ha dicho...

Es evidente que el reconocimiento de la independencia de Kosovo era un precedente que a los que lo apoyaron les podía dar más de una sorpresa desagradable. Es evidente también que Estados Unidos, tras haber defendido la secesión de Kosovo, no tiene ahora ningún argumento para oponerse a la de Osetia del Sur.

Vale, hasta ahí todos de acuerdo, pero tampoco hay que sobredimensionar el papel que la independencia de Kosovo ha jugado en la guerra de Georgia, como sin duda hace Alfonso Rojo ("analista" de poca, muy poca, enjundia) cuando dice que "El pecado original en esta tragedia, la insensatez criminal, lo cometió Occidente el pasado febrero, al aceptar que se desgajara de Serbia su sexta provincia". Uno sospecha que el empeño de Rojo para ver las cosas desde ese ángulo distorsionado está fuertemente influido por su furibunda oposición a los movimientos nacionalistas dentro de nuestras fronteras.

Pretender que la causa de la guerra se remonta a la independencia de Kosovo es una manipulación perversa de los hechos que sólo puede mantenerse si voluntariamente nos abstraemos de factores muchos más determinantes en el conflicto, sobre todo el apoyo de Estados Unidos al Gobierno georgiano (mucho menos democrático de lo que proclama McCain), para cercar a Rusia en el Cáucaso; sin olvidarnos, claro está, del oleoducto Bakú-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. Además, no hay que olvidar que quién desencadenó el conflicto fue Georgia atacando Osetia del Sur un día después de firmar un alto el fuego con las fuerzas separatistas de la región, esperando sin duda un apoyo mayor de Estados Unidos y la OTAN.

Es irónico que McCain tenga los santos cojones de decir que en el siglo XXI "no se invaden países". Claro, USA no invade, "libera" países... Ahí se encuentra un doble rasero tan grande como el de Kosovo frente Osetia del Sur.

En fin, que estamos ante una crisis enormemente compleja, cuyas consecuencias futuras son, a día de hoy, imprevisibles y que precisa de análisis mucho mejor informados, más sagaces y menos tendenciosos que el del inefable Alfonso Rojo.

Un saludo

A las 1 de febrero de 2010, 21:59 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...


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A las 5 de febrero de 2010, 21:17 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...


With the continuing rise in popularity of facebook poker chips as a virtual currency in zynga texas holdem poker many scammers have engaged themselves, who try their best to trick unsuspecting players out of their hard earned facebook poker chips. All over the internet forums are littered with posts by innocent people who have had their chips stolen. Nothing is as sorry state as logging to Facebook or MySpace to play a few hands of poker only to find that your account is hacked and your poker chips are gone.


Keep these basic things in mind to protect your facebook poker chips:

Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a stranger in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

Be careful about what you download: Professional online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an edge over their opponents. Poker is no different and there are many websites on the internet giving free downloads for facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.

Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Theives send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the hacker who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by phisher, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

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A las 5 de febrero de 2010, 22:31 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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A las 11 de febrero de 2010, 13:05 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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A las 18 de febrero de 2010, 13:19 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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A las 23 de febrero de 2010, 13:47 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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With the new released of iPhone OS 3.0, apple add a new app rating system a few weeks ago. As it stands, users could not using a promo code to purchase apps with 17+rating.
For the apple app developers, the new promo strategy put developers in a blind. In the past, apple allows the developer to apply for 50 promotional codes for their apps. Typically, these codes are spread for reviewing the application and some contest when the developer uploads a new version of an application to the app store. These codes are welcomed by developers. But now, no promo code means few reviews and reduced exposures. In addition, developers of news reader, image viewers such as search apps, flicker apps, social net work apps may be prevented from giving out copies of their apps for promotional considerations. This eliminates the potential sales that could come from the distributed promo copies. Developers in this position will need to back to build ad-hoc work or go back to broadcasting their works with iTunes gift cards
The last month released rating system let the uses rate their own application at either 4+,9+,12+,17+ levels and if you click the rating on any app in the store, only the 17+rating is enforce(That means you must be at least 17 years old to download the app of that rating). It in fact not means that recently massive number of adult-oriented apps has poured into App Store. Apple declares that all the application uploaded to app store that may contains high level offensive language, violence, sexual content or drugs/alcohol related content should be rated of 17+. What's more, some users of iPhone news apps finds that the new updated versions of their app are claiming to be "objectionable to children under 17". In the app's page on iTunes, there is a warning list about the dangers of reading "improper" news contend such as ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, even The New York Times.

A las 28 de julio de 2010, 9:34 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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A las 17 de agosto de 2010, 13:05 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho... - [url=]Online Shopping[/url] for Christmas

It appears each calendar year men and women begin buying previously and previously for Christmas. Final yr I began with the starting of October and had all of the exposes wrapped through the end of this month. This yr I started out even sooner to carry benefit of the handful of outlets providing mid yr product sales.

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Why Store Previously

Purchasing before has two principal benefits - acquiring healthier bargains and avoiding the vacation rush. However it has its drawbacks as well. Numerous toy and game producers specially, only launch their newest items really near for the holidays. This usually means that if you're heading to store within the center of this 12 weeks, you won't have the ability to have the most recent products at the marketplace. One way to have approximately this would be to pre-order. Actually pre-ordering solutions may well even fetch you discount rates and free of charge presents.
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But in numerous instances, should you maintain your eyes open, you can actually get superior discounts in the course of the slow or off season, retail smart. A large amount of mobile phone producers launch their most up-to-date types in the course of the center of your yr. This indicates that previous versions is going to be planning at rock bottom costs about two many weeks prior to the launch from the replacement.

Some consumers carry browsing previously for the severe but buying appropriate following the holidays for that following holidays. Post vacation product sales are at times even superior than pre-holiday product sales as departmental merchants attempt to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous deals.

Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas buying a number of many weeks requires to some extent adjustment, spending budget smart, especially in the course of the earliest yr from the timetable alter. Nonetheless it doesn't carry a whole lot to obtain used to it. Its just a matter of maintaining to some set routine of placing slightly money apart for reveals.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases through product sales, choosing in bulk can conserve you a lot of money. Its continuously excellent to break recipients into a couple of groups initial - near household, loved ones, near buddies, associates, colleagues - you receive the thought. Performing so makes it possible for you to organize your purchasing more desirable. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant household and other people.

Obviously you'll desire to purchase additional individual and thoughtful presents for your most people closer for you. But for further generic presents, I advise pack searching, which can be just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack looking right here indicates gathering a few of pals with comparable buying lists after which obtaining in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other consumers in relation to generic presents. You can locate that you may get extremely good presents like wine glasses at surely amazing rates whenever you pack store.

A las 27 de octubre de 2010, 19:01 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Hack again?!

A las 29 de noviembre de 2012, 9:23 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

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